Inspired by the popular animated sitcom ‘American Dad!’ by Fox Broadcasting Company, the Smith House is a fun, challenging, and intriguing puzzle that will engage you for hours! Giving you a glimpse of a luxurious life in Virginia, this marvelous two-story residence with a basement & an attic beholds innumerable secret rooms and pitfall traps to excite your senses. With an astonishing detail work that gives you a stimulating experience; the Smith House lets you unravel the hidden facilities & large inhabitants like frightening alligators. Crafted from premium quality Baltic birch wood, this amazing 3D puzzle offers superior strength and stability. It has approximate size of about 15" wide x 17"deep x 8" tall, will not come assembled or painted, just as a kit. However, the pictured detailed instructions help you with easy assembly. Relive the popular sitcom and enjoy a fun time with your loved ones with this exciting puzzle. Collect your Smith House today!
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